China Trip - Day 5 Nine Dragons Mountain

After working all day at our host factory we decided to end the day with a hike up the 3800 steps to the top of the Nine Dragons Mountain. Wow, this was exhausting and killed my knees!!! The hike started out easy enough. There were 9 pavilions spaced out evenly all the way to the top, so we could rest along the way. However, as you get closer to the top of the mountain the steps get tighter together and become much taller. So much so that it felt like we were climbing up the last set of steps. Of course we didn’t start early enough and so it was dark by the time we got to the top. While standing at the top and looking down at the city lights we heard a very loud “BOOM” which scared the crap out of all of us. It turns out it was a plane breaking the sound barrier. This is not something you want to hear at the top of a mountain in a foreign country.