China Trip - Day 9 Zibo

The next destination on our trip was a mosaic factory in Zibo. We went on a tour of the factory then spent the rest of the day selecting forms, colors, and patterns for sampling. I had so much fun planning and designing with my coworker, Jeff Goodsell. We were really in sync with our aesthetic direction and design process for this project. I think this was one of the most rewarding days and it makes me want to collaborate on a project with another artist again.
My other favorite part of the day was lunch! We pulled up to this giant metal warehouse/greenhouse and on the inside was a lush garden with lots of little buildings that were individual dining rooms. One end of the warehouse is where you select your food from fish tanks and plates of food covered with plastic. In the tanks were different types of fish, shellfish, frogs, shrimp, and lots of other sea creatures. I wish I had taken a photo of each tank! I’m not sure what we ate but in usual fashion it was over the top and delicious. I don’t think I ate anything too strange except for something I thought was french fries that on closer inspection had eyes at one end. It turned out to be some kind of tiny fish that was fried up like french fries and as far as I was concerned had the texture of crunchy french fries. They were pretty good!